
A beautiful post on friendship from an autistic perspective.  Brilliant post, an excellent read!  It’s been long overdue for a reblog. ❤

Autism and Expectations

It’s hard to make friends when you’re a grown up. Plenty of neurotypicals struggle with it, it’s certainly not just autistic people who find building new friendships hard.

The problem with building friendships, is that you have to invest time and energy in people, in the hopes that you will like them, they will like you, and that that investment will translate into a meaningful relationship.

I have problems with building friendships. I cannot see the subtle stages. I don’t know when there is a change in tone and it’s appropriate to suggest moving from a casual acquaintance to a deliberate meeting.

It’s not that I don’t have friends, I do. I have wonderful, warm, brilliant friends. I have male friends and female friends. I have friends who put a lot of time and effort into coming to visit me. Friends who see the true me. Friends who find my…

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Published by

Laina Eartharcher

Feet on the ground, eyes toward the sky.

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